Turning a Reservation into a Short Term Rental

To turn a reservation into a short term rental, first click the Rental option on the bottom of the Short Term Rental window in order to select it. You will notice that a button then appears. Click the button. The 'Select Reservations' list box appears with a listing of all reservations entered on the customer's account. Click the reservation you wish to bring forward to the short term rental and click the Select button. All items on the reservation will be brought forward to the rental. Changes may then be made to the items being rented as necessary.

Note: Multiple reservations may be brought into one sales invoice.

Note: Upon clicking the Rental option, the Pick Up date appears as the current date and time of the workstation.

Once the rental is saved, the reservation will be removed from the customer's account. This is true even if items that were on the reservation are deleted from the rental.